At Stonewalk Family Dentistry, we take pride in helping you find the most comfortable and natural-looking dentures possible. Our Alpharetta-area office offers a variety of options to meet all your needs – from economy dentures that won’t bust your budget to cosmetic dentures that will exceed all your aesthetic needs, a denture specialist at Stonewalk Family Dentistry can provide you with the very best!
Using a variety of materials and customization options, we take the time to create a perfect fit so that you can enjoy your life. Our advanced techniques, such as our use of high-quality dental implants, will give you the confidence and security to smile wide with your new, natural-looking dentures. Plus, our denture specialist can also offer you the option of partial dentures to fill any small gaps you may have in your mouth.
Our Alpharetta-area practice offers natural-looking dentures, as well as a number of other restorative dentistry services. If you’re not sure which option fits your smile best, call (770) 777-1911 to speak with a denture specialist at Stonewalk Family Dentistry in Milton, GA or schedule an appointment online today!
When to See a Denture Specialist in Alpharetta
Wearing ill-fitting dentures can be uncomfortable, and fake-looking dentures can make a person feel self-conscious about their smile – that’s why we want you to see a highly-trained denture specialist at Stonewalk Family Dentistry. Our restorative dentistry team is experienced and knowledgeable enough to create natural-looking dentures that not only fit perfectly, but will also greatly improve the look of your smile.
Are your dentures causing problems? If so, you’re not alone. Did you know:
- Approximately one of every three Americans over the age of 65 has no teeth, and another one-third of Americans over the age of 65 have less than half of their natural teeth.
- Approximately 20 million Americans wear full or partial dentures.
- At least half of all denture-wearers have problems with their dentures.
Take our dental questionnaire below, and see if your current dentures give you what you truly desire. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you could greatly benefit from a consultation with a denture specialist at our comprehensive office in Milton, GA.
1) Are your existing dentures causing you problems?
2) Are your dentures more than three years old?
3) Is it difficult to eat because you can’t chew easily?
4) Do your dentures pop out or have trouble staying in place?
5) Are you unhappy with the fake-looking appearance of your cosmetic dentures?
6) Do you wish you had a more attractive smile?
7) Would you like the opportunity to design your own dentures, with the option to make each tooth longer, shorter, rounder or squarer?
8) Are your dentures worn or flat?
9) Do you wish your smile were whiter?
10) Do you lack the confidence to speak without worrying about your dentures?
11) When you think of your dentures, do you think “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them?”
12) Has it been more than a year since your last oral health and cancer screening?